- 发布日期:2025-01-04 11:16 点击次数:152
据外媒报道,10月29日,情景喜剧《老友记》(Friends)钱德勒扮演者马修·派瑞(Matthew Perry)去世,终年54岁。 🤔️小作业: 1. What can be inferred about Matthew Perry's character, Chandler Bing, on "Friends"? a) Extremely serious b) Uses humor to cope c) Highly dramatic d) Solemn and withdrawn 2. Why did the LAPD's Robbery-Homicide Division respond to Matthew Perry's case? a) Because there were signs of foul play. b) Because he was a celebrity. c) Because they suspected it was a robbery. d) None of the above. 无注释原文: Matthew Perry, 'Friends' actor, dies of apparent drowning at 54 From: NBC NEWS Matthew Perry died Saturday of an apparent drowning at his Pacific Palisades home, a representative for the actor and a law enforcement source say. Perry was 54. A 911 call came in at 4:07 p.m. local time and was treated as a water rescue, according to a law enforcement source. Los Angeles Fire Department spokesperson Brian Humphrey said first responders went to a home in Pacific Palisades based on a 911 call at 4:07 p.m. about a “water emergency” of an unknown type. No one was taken to a hospital, he said, and Los Angeles police officers from the West L.A. Division were on scene. Later Saturday, two law enforcement sources said the LAPD's Robbery-Homicide Division, which probes high-profile crimes and cases involving celebrities, also responded to the location. The sources emphasized that the case was a death investigation with no signs of foul play. The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner was expected to to conduct an autopsy and may determine the cause and manner of death, they said. More details about Perry's death were not immediately available Saturday night. Perry was best known for his role as one of the core cast members on “Friends,” NBC's generation X sitcom from the '90s. On “Friends,” Perry played Chandler Bing, a statistical analyst who used sarcasm and one-liners. The show was a blockbuster for television, dominating prime time alongside "Seinfeld." It ran for 10 seasons, from 1994 to 2004. Raised in Ottawa, Canada, Perry had a successful run as a top-ranked tennis player competing in Canadian juniors. He essentially left the sport to pursue acting when he moved to L.A. at age 15. He joined the cast of “Friends” at age 24. About a year ago Perry was on a press tour for the release of his memoir, “Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir,” which added to revelations about his battle with addiction, including a near-death experience in 2019 after his colon burst as a result of his use of opioids. His post-“Friends” life included multiple roles that drew respect and acclaim, but it was often dominated by headlines about that battle. In the book, he said he spent as much as $7 million on rehabilitation and recovery efforts. Reaction to Perry's death came from across Hollywood and beyond. Maggie Wheeler, the actor who played Chandler Bing's girlfriend Janice in "Friends," said Perry died too soon and will be missed by everyone who knew him in real life and on the screen. She noted Perry's struggles that he shared in his memoir, and said she hoped he was at peace. "Matthew was an incredibly generous actor. There was no single time I stepped onto a stage with him that I did not feel lifted by his brilliance," she said. "Even in his darkest moments his comedic timing was impeccable." Warner Bros. Television Group, which produced "Friends," said in a statement Saturday night, “We are devastated by the passing of our dear friend Matthew Perry.” The statement continued: “The impact of his comedic genius was felt around the world, and his legacy will live on in the hearts of so many.” - ◆ - 注:完整题目见本文开头;中文文本为机器翻译并非一一对应,仅供参考 含注释全文: Matthew Perry, 'Friends' actor, dies ofapparentdrowning at 54 From: NBC NEWS Matthew Perrydied Saturday of anapparent drowningat his Pacific Palisades home, a representative for the actor and a law enforcement source say. Perry was 54. 马修·派瑞(Matthew Perry)的经纪人和执法部门消息人士称,演员马修·佩里(Matthew Perry)周六在其位于太平洋帕利塞德斯的家中疑因溺水身亡,享年54岁。 apparent apparent /əˈpær.ənt/ 1)表示“清晰可见的;显而易见的;明白易懂的”,英文解释为“able to be seen or understood”举个🌰:Her unhappiness was apparent to everyone. 谁都看得出来她很不开心。 看到英文标题,可能很多人会有疑问,为什么用apparent? 2)表示“表面上的;貌似(真实)的;显得…的”,英文解释为“seeming to exist or be true”举个🌰:There are one or two apparent discrepancies between the two reports. 这两份报告看上去有一两处出入。 drowning drowning /ˈdraʊn.ɪŋ/ 表示“溺死,淹死”,英文解释为“death caused by being underwater and not being able to breathe, or a case when this happens”如:death by drowning 溺亡。 A 911 call came in at 4:07 p.m. local time and was treated as a water rescue, according to a law enforcement source. 据执法人员透露,当地时间下午4:07,有人拨打了911报警电话,该事件被分类为水上救援来处理。 Los Angeles Fire Department spokesperson Brian Humphrey said first responders went to a home in Pacific Palisades based on a 911 call at 4:07 p.m. about a “water emergency” of an unknown type. 洛杉矶消防部门发言人布莱恩·汉弗雷(Brian Humphrey)表示,紧急救援人员是在接到下午4:07的911报警电话后赶到太平洋帕利塞德斯一处住宅的,但具体是哪种类型的“水上紧急情况”尚不明确。 No one was taken to a hospital, he said, and Los Angeles police officers from the West L.A.Divisionwere on scene. 汉弗雷说,现场没有人被送往医院,洛杉矶警察局(LAPD)西洛杉矶分局警员也到了现场。 division 1)表示“部门(如部、处、室、科等)”,英文解释为“a separate part of an army or large organization”如:the sales division 销售部。 2)表示“(体育运动的)级”,英文解释为“a group of teams that play against each other in a particular sport”如:The team plays in one of the lower divisions. 低一级队伍的球员。 Later Saturday, two law enforcement sources said the LAPD'sRobbery-HomicideDivision, whichprobes high-profilecrimes and cases involving celebrities, also responded to the location. 周六稍晚时候,两名执法部门消息人士透露,洛杉矶警察局负责侦查备受关注案件和涉及名人案件的抢劫凶杀组(Robbery-Homicide Division)也介入了此事。 robbery 表示“抢劫;抢劫罪”,英文解释为“Robbery is the crime of stealing money or property from a bank, shop, or vehicle, often by using force or threats.”举个🌰:The gang members committed dozens of armed robberies over the past year. 该团伙成员在过去一年中犯下了数十起持械抢劫罪。 homicide homicide /ˈhɒm.ɪ.saɪd/ 表示“谋杀(行为)”,英文解释为“(an act of) murder”举个🌰:He was convicted of homicide. 他被判犯有谋杀罪。 probe 作动词,表示“盘问;追问;探究”,英文解释为“to try to discover information that other people do not want you to know, by asking questions carefully and not directly”举个🌰:The interviewer probed deep into her private life. 采访者深入地打探她的私生活。 在恏渏 亾類哋夲能文中提到了probe作名词有“探索;探查;查究;调查”的意思,英文解释为“an attempt to discover information by asking a lot of questions”,如:an FBI probe into corruption 联邦调查局对腐败的调查;也可以指“(医生或科学家用的)探针”,英文解释为“a long thin metal instrument that doctors and scientists use to examine parts of the body”。 📍probe还可以解释为“探测器”,英文解释为:a device that is put inside something to test or record information. 如:a space probe 航天探测器/太空探测器。 🎬电影《像素大战》(Pixels)中的台词提到:That videotape will be placed in a space probe 录影带将放在太空探测器中。 profile profile一词经常出现,1)表示“(有关某人的)简介,概况”,英文解释为“A profile of someone is a short article or programme in which their life and character are described.”举个🌰:A newspaper published comparative profiles of the candidates' wives. 一份报纸刊登了候选人妻子们的对比简介。 2)表示“关注度”,英文解释为“If someone has a high profile, people notice them and what they do. If you keep a low profile, you avoid doing things that will make people notice you.”常用:a high profile 惹人注目/关注;高姿态,a low profile 不惹人注目,低姿态;如:a move that would give Egypt a much higher profile in the upcoming peace talks 会给埃及在即将到来的和平谈判中高关注度的一个行动。 📍如果你把微信语言设置成英文,你就会发现微信官方把头像处理成:Profile Photo,上面的“My Profile”对应的中文则是“个人信息”。 The sources emphasized that the case was a death investigation with no signs offoul play. 这两名消息人士强调,这是一起死亡调查,没有谋杀迹象。 foul play foul play /ˌfaʊl ˈpleɪ/ 表示“暴行;(尤指)谋杀”,英文解释为“a criminal act that results in serious damage or injury, especially murder”举个🌰:It is not clear what caused the explosion, but the police do not suspect foul play. 还不清楚是什么引起了爆炸,但警方没有怀疑是谋杀。 The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner was expected to to conduct anautopsyand may determine the cause and manner of death, they said. 他们表示,洛杉矶县法医预计将进行尸检,以确定具体死因。 autopsy autopsy /ˈɔːtəpsɪ/ 表示“验尸”,英文解释为“An autopsy is an examination of a dead body by a doctor who cuts it open in order to try to discover the cause of death.”举个🌰:He had the grim task of carrying out an autopsy on his friend. 他的可怕差事是为他的朋友验尸。 More details about Perry's death were not immediately available Saturday night. 周六晚上,有关佩里死亡的更多细节尚不清楚。 Perry was best known for his role as one of the core cast members on “Friends,” NBC'sgeneration X sitcomfrom the '90s. 派瑞因在90年代美国全国广播公司(NBC)的X世代情景喜剧《老友记》(Friends)中饰演核心演员之一而为人所知。 Generation X Generation X /ˌdʒen.ə ˈreɪ.ʃən ˈeks/ 表示“X世代(用来描述出生于1960至1970年代的人)”,英文解释为“a way of referring to the group of people who were born in the 1960s and 1970s”举个🌰:Members of Generation X are often portrayed as having no clear direction to their lives. X世代的人通常被描绘为人生没有明确的方向。 sitcom sitcom /ˈsɪt.kɒm/同 situation comedy,表示“情景喜剧”。 On “Friends,” Perry played Chandler Bing, a statistical analyst who usedsarcasmandone-liners. 在《老友记》中,派瑞饰演一名擅长讽刺和俏皮话的统计分析师。 sarcasm sarcasm /ˈsɑː.kæz.əm/ 表示“讽刺,挖苦,嘲笑”,英文解释为“the use of remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what they say, made in order to hurt someone's feelings or to criticize something in a humorous way”举个🌰:"You have been working hard," he said with heavy sarcasm, as he looked at the empty page. “你工作真卖力,”他看着空白页狠狠地挖苦说道。 one-liner one-liner /ˌwʌnˈlaɪ.nər/ 表示“(单句的)俏皮话,打趣话;小笑话”,英文解释为“a joke or a clever and funny remark or answer that is usually one sentence long”举个🌰:There are some very witty one-liners in the play. 这部电影中有些非常诙谐的俏皮话。 The show was ablockbusterfor television, dominatingprime timealongside "Seinfeld." It ran for 10 seasons, from 1994 to 2004. 该剧在当时的影视圈可谓轰动一时,在黄金时段与《宋飞正传》(Seinfeld)齐名。该剧从1994年到2004年一共播出了10季。 blockbuster 表示“轰动;巨型炸弹;一鸣惊人的事物;轰动一时的书籍/电影”,英文解释为“a book or film that is very good or successful informal”,如:the latest Hollywood blockbuster 好莱坞最新大片。此前在《流浪地球》(The Wandering Earth)一文中的标题就为:The Wandering Earth is China's biggest sci-fi blockbuster. 🎬电影《创:战纪》(Tron: Legacy)中的台词提到:I would like you to meet, our next blockbuster. 我很乐意向大家呈现我们的巨作。 prime time 早在那对直播争宠的兄弟再次开启「互怼」模式和FOX主播翠西被解约文中都出现,表示“黄金时段”,英文解释为“Prime time television or radio programmes are broadcast when the greatest number of people are watching television or listening to the radio, usually in the evenings.”如:a prime-time television show 一个黄金时段的电视节目。 Raised in Ottawa, Canada, Perry had a successful run as a top-ranked tennis player competing in Canadian juniors. He essentially left the sport to pursue acting when he moved to L.A. at age 15. 派瑞在加拿大渥太华长大,曾是当地顶级青少年网球选手。但在15岁搬到洛杉矶后,他选择放弃了网球,转而追求演艺事业。 He joined the cast of “Friends” at age 24. 24岁时,他加入了《老友记》剧组。 About a year ago Perry was on a press tour for the release of hismemoir, “Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir,” which added torevelationsabout his battle with addiction, including a near-death experience in 2019 after hiscolonburst as a result of his use of opioids. 大约一年前,派瑞为他的回忆录《朋友、恋人和糟心事:马修·派瑞回忆录》(Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir)的发行进行了宣传,书中透露了他与药物成瘾作斗争,包括2019年因食用阿片类药物导致结肠破裂险些丧命的经历。 memoir memoir /ˈmɛmwɑː/ 表示“(尤指名人的)回忆录;自传”,英文解释为“an account written by sb, especially sb famous, about their life and experiences”。 revelation 表示“被透露的事实;被泄露的秘密;出乎意料的事物,令人惊喜的发现”,英文解释为“A revelation is a surprising or interesting fact that is made known to people.”如:the seemingly everlasting revelations about his private life 有关他私生活的似乎永无休止的披露。 📍词根“-ation”表示“行为或过程”,前缀“revel-”(reveal, 揭示的变体,表示揭露)。想象你正在揭示一个秘密,这就是“revelation”。 📍come as/be a revelation表示“让人大开眼界;令人耳目一新;出乎意料地使人惊喜”,英文解释为“to be an extremely pleasant surprise”举个🌰:This book came as a complete revelation to me. 这本书使我茅塞顿开。 🎬 电影《惊天魔盗团2》(Now You See Me 2)中的台词提到:And the stunning revelation that FBI agent Dylan Rhodes ... 还有惊天大揭露联调局特工迪伦·罗兹… colon colon /ˈkəʊ.lɒn/ 表示“结肠”,英文解释为“the lower and bigger half of the bowels in which water is removed from solid waste” His post-“Friends” life included multiple roles that drew respect andacclaim, but it was often dominated by headlines about that battle. In the book, he said he spent as much as $7 million onrehabilitationand recovery efforts. 在《老友记》结束后,虽然他曾出演多个备受赞誉的角色,但媒体关注的焦点多集中在他与药物成瘾的斗争上。他在书中透露,为康复和戒瘾治疗花费了多达700万美元。 acclaim 表示“(公开的)称誉;赞赏;欢迎”,英文解释为“public approval and praise”举个🌰:Despite the critical acclaim, the novel did not sell well. 虽然这部小说在评论界赢得一片叫好之声,但并不畅销。 rehabilitation 表示“恢复(正常生活);康复;(囚犯)获得改造”,英文解释为“the process of returning to a healthy or good way of life, or the process of helping someone to do this afterthey have been in prison, been very ill, etc.”举个🌰:Many amputees in the early stages of their rehabilitation feel despair. 在康复初期,许多截肢病人感到绝望。 Reaction to Perry's death came from across Hollywood and beyond. 派瑞的去世引起了好莱坞和全球各地的广泛关注。 Maggie Wheeler, the actor who played Chandler Bing's girlfriend Janice in "Friends," said Perry died too soon and will be missed by everyone who knew him in real life and on the screen. 在《老友记》中饰演钱德勒·宾(Chandler Bing)女友詹妮丝(Janice)的演员玛姬·惠勒(Maggie Wheeler)表示,派瑞走得太早了,无论是在现实生活中还是在屏幕上认识他的人都会深切怀念他。 She noted Perry's struggles that he shared in his memoir, and said she hoped he was at peace. 她提到派瑞在回忆录中分享了他的抗争经历,并表示希望他能安息。 "Matthew was an incredibly generous actor. There was no single time I stepped onto a stage with him that I did not feel lifted by his brilliance," she said. "Even in his darkest moments his comedic timing wasimpeccable." “马修是一位极其无私的演员。每次和他同台表演,都会被他的聪明才智所鼓舞,”她说,“即使在他最黑暗的时刻,他的喜剧感也总是恰到好处。” impeccable impeccable /ɪmˈpek.ə.bəl/ 表示“完美的,无可挑剔的”,英文解释为“perfect, with no problems or bad parts”如:impeccable taste/manners/credentials 无可挑剔的品位/举止/资历。 Warner Bros. Television Group, which produced "Friends," said in a statement Saturday night, “We aredevastatedby the passing of our dear friend Matthew Perry.” 周六晚上,负责制作《老友记》的华纳兄弟电视集团(Warner Bros. Television Group)在一份声明中表示:“我们因失去马修·派瑞这位亲爱的朋友而感到极度悲痛。” devastated 1)表示“(极度)不安的,混乱的,震惊的”,英文解释为“extremely upset and shocked”举个🌰:His family is absolutely devastated. 他的一家感到极为震惊。 2)表示“被彻底摧毁的;毁灭的”,英文解释为“completely destroyed”举个🌰:Thousands of people have left their devastated villages and fled to the mountains. 数千人已经离开完全被毁的村庄,逃进了山里。 📍devastate /ˈdɛvəˌsteɪt/ 本身可以作动词,表示“严重破坏;彻底摧毁”,英文解释为“If something devastates an area or a place, it damages it very badly or destroys it totally.” The statement continued: “The impact of his comedic genius was felt around the world, and hislegacywill live on in the hearts of so many.” 该声明还说:“他的喜剧才华影响了全球,他的精神将在无数人的心中永存。” legacy legacy /ˈleɡ.ə.si/ 1)表示“遗产,遗赠”,英文解释为“money or property that you receive from someone after they die”举个🌰:An elderly cousin had left her a small legacy. 一位堂兄留给她一小笔遗产。 2)表示“历史遗产,遗留物”,英文解释为“something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time”举个🌰:The Greeks have a rich legacy of literature. 希腊人有丰富的文学遗产。 📍2022年政府工作报告Part 18中提到了这个词:用好北京冬奥会遗产。We will make the most of the legacy of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. - 词汇盘点 - apparent、 drowning、 division、 robbery、 homicide、 probe、 profile、 foul play、 autopsy、 Generation X、 sitcom、 sarcasm、 one-liner、 blockbuster、 prime time、 memoir、 revelation、 colon、 acclaim、 rehabilitation、 impeccable、 devastated、 legacy - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT - The apparent drowning of a Generation X sitcom star devastated fans. But foul play was suspected; the autopsy revealed robbery and homicide. A prime-time probe into his life profiled his impeccable legacy: a memoir full of one-liners, blockbuster hits, and sarcasm. The revelation led to the division's acclaimed rehabilitation.